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Your deadlines for June 2024

They're here and they're there ! Here is your little monthly reminder of the French tex dates not to be missed.

Tax deadlines June 2023 - Blendy, digital accountant

Find below the summary prepared by Blendy, your international accountant based in Paris, so as not to miss your French tax deadlines and important dates for the month of June.

Because our objective remains unchanged: to save you time on your administrative tasks without added value!

Do you still have any doubts or questions for your French subsidiary or your business based in France?  Contact us, our teams respond to help you with your declarations, taxes, etc. and much more!

JUNE: Taxes and Duties.


June 12

  • DEB / DES: filing of the DEB (declaration of exchange of goods) and the DES (declaration of exchange of services) for intra-community operations carried out in May.

June 14

  • Tax on commercial areas: establishments operated on January 1 of the current year and measuring more than 400m² (Cerfa n° 3350 SD).

June 17

  • Company subject to IS: advance payment of corporate tax (IS), social contribution on IS of 3.3% (cerfa 2571) or balance of IS and the social contribution on the IS of 3.3%, (cerfa n° 2572) if your financial year ends on February 28

  • Salary tax: salaries paid in May for monthly payers (cerfa 2501)

  • Tax on insurance agreements: premiums issued, agreements concluded and amounts due during the month of May (cerfa n° 2787 and payment to the Banque de France if > €1.5K)

  • CFE and/or IFER: users who are not paid monthly or have not opted for the direct debit at the due date, it is possible until this date to subscribe to the monthly direct debit ( the requested amount of the deposit is then not due; the first withdrawal will correspond to the sum of the monthly payments calculated since January 1st); to pay directly online

  • Withholding tax – Withholding tax: simplified declaration of income from movable capital, flat-rate withholding and social security contributions due at source if payment of distributed income, interest on current accounts, blocked accounts of partners during the month of November (cerfa n° 2777-D)

  • Contribution on the added value of businesses: electronic payment of the first installment of the contribution on the added value of businesses 2017 (n° 1329 AC)

June 29

  • VAT – basic exemption: option for payment of VAT from December 1 for companies benefiting from the basic exemption (article 293 F of the CGI).

June 30th

  • Companies whose financial year ends on March 31:

    • declaration of results no. 2065 and annexes (IS) – additional period of 15 calendar days granted to users of teleprocedures

    • the withholding tax declaration no. 2754 for foreign companies operating a permanent establishment in France

    • annual electronic declaration no. CA12 (VAT – simplified regime).

  • VAT – basic exemption: option for payment of VAT from December 1 for companies benefiting from the basic exemption (article 293 F of the CGI).

  • CFE: It is possible to subscribe to the monthly direct debit for the current year until this date. The withdrawal will take place on the 15th of the month following membership. Membership for the following year can be made all year round. Only the effective date of membership varies: from 01/01 to 15/12 membership takes effect in January; from 12/16 to 12/31, membership takes effect in February N+1 (the February 2018 withdrawal will include the monthly payments for January and February).


Blendy, digital international CPA, supports you in the automation and digitization of your finance and accounting processes.

Need help with your French tax deadlines?

Blendy, international accountant helps you automate your finance process and

eliminate annoying administrative tasks.

With  Blendy , international accountant based in Paris, France take advantage of digital accounting to accelerate your finance process and develop your business.

Pennylane ,  Dext ,  QuickBooks and Stripe  experts, we support digital and IT service companies, e-Commerce, SaaS, SMBs, in France and internationally.

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