Little Payroll Fairy
Fairy of the Furnace and Payroll
<p>Originally, Katarina was predestined to enter the world of gastronomy and hospitality. Pots, stoves, sauces and other recipes were his daily life. But she quickly realized that what really matters in a kitchen is the team.</p><br/><p> And that clear, rigorous and organized HR management was the key to the success of a restaurant and any business... </p><br/><p> Today, she works under the supervision of Damien and carries out all the tasks that facilitate and support our clients' HR processes. Administrative management of hiring and departures, drafting of employment contracts, preparation of pay slips... no longer hold any secrets for her. Its added value: Knowing how to transpose the rigor of a chef to social management! With it, all files are always in the right place, updated and followed closely, for smooth and top-notch management (boss)!</p>