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Client Onboarding Manager

Client Onboarding Manager, he propels Blendy clients into the world of AccounTech

As soon as our co-founder mentioned Blendy and its objective of propelling innovative SMEs and digital companies towards their destiny of changing the world, Vadim immediately joined the project. ‍

After an initial experience in a firm which helped build his expertise, he then worked for more than 5 years in a company as an Accounting Manager (including Netco Sports and La Ruche qui dit oui). ‍

Meeting Noham Layani, co-founder of Blendy, was a professional revelation.

The purpose of Blendy and the applications used were decisive. From this meeting followed the artistic fire and the double-digit growth that Blendy is experiencing.

When you collaborate with Blendy, a digital accountant, it is Vadim who will introduce you to our processes and our favorite apps. Passionate about technology, he will know how to find and connect all the apps necessary for your success.

A specialist in finance and business apps, he now helps our clients make their dreams of changing the world come true!

Vadim Sokolov | Notre équipe Blendy

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