The issues
Every month you must collect all your purchase invoices and send them to your chartered accountant. Unfortunately, it's hard not to forget!
Between the invoices received by mail and lost, those sent late, the supplier who forgets to send you his invoice, the invoices to be retrieved from the various suppliers' websites...
All these dysfunctions do not allow you to optimally manage the process of recovering your invoices.
The solution
Thanks to Digiposte , you no longer have to worry about recovering your documents!
Digiposte is an application created by La Poste , accessible to professionals and individuals, which helps you centralize and store your invoices .
Once your personal space has been created and configured, Digiposte automatically recovers your invoices from your electricity suppliers, telephone, e-commerce, VTC transport, toll, post office, internet hosting, etc.
But not only !
Digiposte also recovers your important documents , you will no longer have to send your bank statements every month to your digital accountant .
You can also retrieve your operator contribution statements: RSI, Urssaf, Cipav, Réunica, B2V, etc.
And thanks to a personalized download link, your Blendy accountant directly retrieves the elements he needs.
You will have more time to concentrate on your strategy and we more time to support your success .
Contact us to discover the services we offer to boost the growth of your business!
With Blendy , French digital accountant take advantage of digital accounting to accelerate your finance process and develop your business.
Pennylane , Dext , QuickBooks and Stripe experts, we support digital and IT service companies, e-Commerce, SaaS, SMBs, in France and internationally.