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Finally get rid of your expense receipts

Legalcity partner of QuickBooks, by Blendy

Managing expense reports and expense receipts is a tricky subject. Until now, you had to carefully keep each supporting document to send it to your digital Chartered Accountant for entry into your accounts.

So you accumulated somewhere, in a cardboard box or at the bottom of your wallet, a whole bunch of little pieces of paper, restaurant receipts and bank card receipts…

And you generally postpone sending these bulky supporting documents to your accountant until the next day, at the risk of losing a good part of them over time.

Digitize your supporting documents…

Today, with Blendy , your French online accountant , you have the possibility of digitizing these supporting documents. Expensya  or Dext  are our two favorite apps for this. Both allow you simple and user-friendly management of your expense receipts.

So, as soon as you pay for an expense, you simply take a photo of the receipt with your smartphone. The apps will save a copy for you.

And if you also combine these apps with QuickBooks , your expenses are automatically entered into your accounts. You therefore gain time and efficiency.

…and throw them in the trash!

Since March 2017, the tax administration has already accepted that in the event of digitalization of your customer and supplier invoices, you do not have to keep a paper copy. But URSSAF  was still dragging its feet when it came to supporting expense reports. Indeed, if you were not able to present the originals of your supporting documents, Urssaf could reclassify these costs as benefits in kind . And therefore apply employer and salary charges.

However, only a few weeks ago the situation changed. Following a decree published at the end of May 2019, the obligation to keep paper supporting documents has officially been removed . So since July 1, 2019 you can  discard your supporting documents  if they have been correctly scanned.

Please note, this does not apply to your expense reports before this date. And in all cases the administration must be able to check who took the photo, when and whether subsequent modifications were made, etc. In summary, the digitization must be certified by an approved trusted third party and be kept for at least 6 years.


If you still have doubts , or hesitate to digitize 100% of your invoices and expense reports, book a 30-minute e-Meeting   with a Blendy advisor . He will give you all the information and advise you on the software and applications to implement to make your financial process more efficient .

So rejoice! You will finally be able to say goodbye to your countless archive boxes full of supporting documents.

‍‍ Contact us to find out how we support our clients towards success!

With  Blendy ,  digital accountant_11100000-0000-0000-0000-0000000001 11_take advantage of all the advantages of digital accounting_11100000-0000-0000 -0000-000000000111_to accelerate your finance process and develop your business.

Certified Pennylane,_11100000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000111_Dext,_11100000-0000-0000-0000-000000000111 _QuickBooks et Stripe, we support the _11100000 -0000-0000-0000-000000000111_digital companies, e-Commerce, ESN, SaaS, in France and internationally .

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