Discover everything you didn't know (or rediscover what you knew but more simply) about the French Plc, also called SAS!

SAS or simplified joint stock company
The SAS (French Plc) is the second most used form of company in France. It is characterized by the following elements:
It is treated as an SA (public limited company) for tax purposes.
THE SAS is created by one or more people (natural or legal entities.
It cannot carry out public offerings for savings (eg: be listed on the stock exchange).
There is an obligation to appoint a president of the SAS who will have the legal power to bind the company to third parties (the only one who can take legal action).
The following statutory changes must be taken collectively:
Approve the balance sheets and affect the result
Appoint the Auditor
Deciding on a merger, sale or partial contribution of assets
Decide on the transformation into another legal form
Dissolve the company
Increase, reduce or amortize capital
Other decisions may be taken according to the provisions provided for in the prevailing statutes.
Other obligations
In France, the company name and the words “SAS” or “simplified joint stock company” must be indicated together with the share capital on all acts and documents intended for third parties (invoices, contracts, etc.).
Also, with the exception of a personal commitment (guarantee) or special circumstances (overly direct interference in the management of the SAS), the partners of the SAS only bear losses up to the amount of their contributions.
The social security contributions of the President of the SAS are similar to those of an employee (approximately 22.8% of employee social security contributions and 40% of employer social security contributions). Conversely, those of a majority manager of an SARL are subject to the TNS – self-employed worker regime (i.e. approximately 36%).
The Blendy English-speaking teams are at your disposal for any questions on the legal status adapted to your activity. And also to configure your Pennylane or QuickBooks and your accounting accordingly.
Contact us to find out how we support our international clients to strengthen the profitability and growth of their business!
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