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The 5 selection criteria for the digital accounting management of your company - Part 3

Finding a digital accounting firm is complex today. To help you, we offer you a series of 5 articles covering the 5 essential selection criteria. Here is episode 3!

Blendy digital accountant helps you define your needs

Services are a significant part of the price and must go hand in hand with your business management and expansion strategy.

Criterion 3: Services

What services do you need to maximize the potential of your business?

Services are a significant part of the price and must go hand in hand with your business management and expansion strategy.

If you plan not to expand your business and simply want to continue delivering your solutions/products to your clients, a simple accounting service with a few standard services will most certainly be enough for you.

However, if you want to develop your activity internationally, the services will be very important in your choice to adopt digital for the accounting management of your company.

A detailed analysis of your cash flow before fundraising can allow you to succeed where others would have stopped. A company that develops over time does so thanks to all its support services which not only support but also propel it.

A sports car without a good chassis will always be inferior to competitors.

The different parts of a business's support are your chassis, they support, support and propel your business to where your strategy will take the business.

If you want to expand and grow your business, you will need more personalized services such as the possibility of carrying out cash flow forecasts, estimates for obtaining credit, etc.

For example, if you decide to expand, whether nationally or internationally, ask if you want or need to have consolidated accounting for several countries that can be consulted via a single tool. Perhaps you prefer to have separate accounts to specifically address each country? Both types of accounting are equally interesting, only your strategy should define your priority.

In both cases you need to know if such a multi-site or multi-country accounting service exists and how it is deployed and managed.

Another type of service that should interest you is that of personal wealth, of course you will tell me that it is not related to digital accounting, but in reality it is strongly.

Digital accounting allows you to obtain real-time data on the company's situation, your accountant can then tell you that this month you can increase your remuneration without endangering your company.

Finally, if you want not just to grow but to propel your business towards other spheres, there you will need even more responsive and specific services, there you will need preparation of accounts with a view to fundraising, a loan etc.

It is also at this time that the inspectors arrive, you also have an impeccable accounting service from the accountants investing, the accountant or your privileged contact will become like a member of your co-director. He will be there to support you in all your strategies and must accompany you in all stages of your destiny to change the world.

To summarize, there are hundreds of services that are only made possible by the digitization of your accounting, it's up to you to know whether you need them or not.


This is the 3rd criterion that must be taken into account when you decide to digitize your accounting and work with a  digital accountant  🚀🚀🚀🚀

Contact us to find out how we support you to consolidate the development of your business thanks to digital!

With  Blendy , French digital accountant take advantage of digital accounting to accelerate your finance process and develop your business.

Pennylane ,  Dext ,  QuickBooks and Stripe  experts, we support digital and IT service companies, e-Commerce, SaaS, SMBs, in France and internationally.


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